Awesome as usual
My one Problem is that the Movie here didn't load for me... it would get to 1 part of the loading bar and stop, which sucks for me... Thankfuly someone on you tube allready recorded it and I saw it that way, which is why I'm here giving this review on it... If you happen to figure out why it's doing this to me I'd appreciate you telling me, thanks.... Anyway, The new addition of your art work along with your sprites AND the 3D designs make this one of the most graphicly pleasing SMBZs yet. The story line, as usual is awesome AND Funny so no need to go indeph on it. Music selection is perfect, the voice clips were outstanding. I wasn't expecting for Mario to actualy call to Sonic by name... I loved all the different references in it. they really added to the story in many ways, weither they had anything to do with the story or not... Well to sum things up, it's just simply your best work yet and I'm looking forward to the next episode... I'm betting t'll be even better then this one...